5 beaches in a day, Sant’Antioco Island Sardinia

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Today the weather on Sant’Antioco island was perfect: sunny, not too warm with a gentle breeze. The sea was still and its colors amazing.

I took a ride by car along the coast and couldn’t stop taking pictures of everything: beaches, nature, sea, sky…

Itinerario Spiagge

I think this could be a nice beach itinerary for you to enjoy one day on Sant’Antioco island.

First I drove by Coaquaddus, the horse tail sandy beach


Then I drove by Turri beach


I reached the very end of the island, Capo Sperone

Caposperone4 Caposperone2then I drove back to Cala Sapone

calasapone giugno 0157d12907375d7d489c61e20e73bf34b33704eb53_00001 01b683b0c613d20568becf4b8f0cef146017b4121e_00001

and ended up at Maladroxia beach

Maladroxia fine giugno

At the end of the beach tour my soul was full of gratitude for nature. Enjoy!

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