Su Coccu

Are you superstitious? Sometimes I am. We discovered a very interesting object in Sardinia that it is sad to protect from evil eye and negative energies. It is called Su Coccu and it is available in some jewelries in Sant’Antioco. I was given by my husband on the occasion of Martina’s birth to remove from […]

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The sardinian engagement ring

Since Saint Valentine’s day is approaching, I thought it was the right moment to tell you about a sardinian gift which could be precious and original for your lover. Last year I was crazily fascinated by the sardinian ring in the picture (the Fede Sarda). Apart from its beauty and the particular technique used for […]

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Who is Saint Antiochus martyr?

Antiochus is the saint who gave the name to the island of Sant’Antioco. His story is very interesting. In an historical moment in which the migration of people from our neighboring countries is the daily debate, the figure of the Holy Martyr Sant’Antioco – the saint who came from the sea – is even more relevant. Antiochus, despite the difficulties, […]

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Basilica of Sant’Antioco

In Sant’Antioco in the old town is located the Basilica of Sant’Antioco. It is a must see in the island because of its beauty and to understand the story of the place. It is a quite complex building, built around a central core consisting of the primitive martyrium dating back to the fourth century. Here […]

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Sant’Antioco’s hidden treasures: is Pirixeddus punic necropolis

On the occasion of the European Heritage Days 2015, the Punic necropolis situated at Is Pirixeddus in Sant’Antioco has been exceptionally re-opened to public, just for a day. Visitors had the chance to visit this amazing beauty (photo credits Carlo Eustacchi) In ’98 there were stability problems and the necropolis has been closed for restoration works […]

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Rubiu: bier, pizza and flamingos

If you are a bier and pizza lover, this is your place. Fabrizio, Tiziana and Luca started their activity in 2009 and since then they have been doing great: they won international bier competitions, they moved to a bigger place, they introduced various tasty and healthy dough for pizzas, they cooked fantastic desserts and opened […]

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Sant’Antioco goes to EXPO 2015 Milan

On 18th September Sant’Antioco went to Expo2015 together with other small beautiful islands. In this video by RaiExpo (in italian), a short resume of how it went there at the Auditorium. Mario Corongiu, Sant’Antioco’s Mayor, president of the small island committee spoke on behalf of the island and a tasting of some of Sant’Antioco’s excellences […]

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